Children’s Cyber-College Curricular Cosmic Computer ColorComplex.

YES, Wexz & Usxz & I’m talking all about Afrionics, Afribets, and Africulture as All Alpha-Alkebulan-Africa and ascendant Africoidians, Aboriginals, Albinoriginals, Afrindians, AmeriAfrindians, Anglo-African-Americans,  Afrasians, Afriasicaucasians. An all Arthiest Actionary appointing and anointing and awakening attributes and arising affluence + accelerating ascendence! 

Divinely Decreed Deified Dictionary: [research ref.

Children’s college curricular, communications channels, comprising cosmic computerized ColorComPlexTrix. Basically because, colors are rays = ColoRayz, and each and every single one of them, are talented teaching techniques, tunes + tones + tints = truths + thoughts + tong twisting talkative throats.

YES: You’ll profit proficiently by having these letters, syllables, symbols, openly displayed in your youngest kids playrooms. So that they are aware of original ideas, creative color composition, very early in the lives of learning lessons. ‘A picture says a thousand words!”

Namely NOTES vs. Votes x Voices: There‘s a cosmetic coloration complexion of skin solarization, which is RAYZIAL, and not needing to be biologically, politically perceived as religiously “Racial“. That propagandized perception, is a psychological poisoning, psychotic pollution, preprogramming posing personalized, plus + public people’s planetary population problems!

My Mastermind Melanin Messiah Mental Models, Merchant Money Making Modes, Militarized Maneuvers, Merciful Mechanisms = MIDI Meta-Musical Mediums = MASTER1 Melaninated Media. View:

In other plain-o-simplified sayings, wealthy words of wittier wisdom, every note or sound sensation of the musical scale, from 0 - 123456789, carry unique wavelengths, vivid vibrations, fast forwarding frequencies. And our 21 Century Cyber-Jazz-Blues-RapP; HipP & LapP; significantly speeds solarized Spiritious Sensations Sublime, increases the reverberating, resounding radiances, Rayzial ratio-rates + realities. [ref. ]


Next notes..

“Where ever there is an adversity, there also, roots the seed of an equivalent advantage.” (Napoleon Hill) And adding an artistic analogy; I say that; Where so ever there are adverse arrangements and disadvantages, therein also, roots the sown seeds of an advancing advantage!

Conscious Conscience Cosmic Creator’s creative chemistries. The super-sub-Sciessences. Spirit Source Science System’s Sovereign Systemic Streams. Similar to what mastermind man Mr. Napoleon Hill named “The subconscious mind.” And identified “Infinite Intelligence”. 

The cosmological connection link, between the finite foundation; into Internalized intellectual intelligence, infinite immutable immaculate imagination. 

Genesis Genius Gifted Golden Gateway, plus+ Phantom-Physics paved patterned pathway; producing + providing pure potency powers!

This is our Originat-Ore-One1 and storehouse holding Holistory Heritage Health and within wealth. This internalized information, warehoused, in the deeper mind’s melanin messiah mastery of manufacturing or making magical miracles. We are mining these treasures up and out of obscurity. Educing eternalized existing energies. Educating one’s own mental faculties, tuning their thinking and training, teaching the thought impulses, of their bright brilliant brains! [ref.]   

YES: All Aboriginal Africoidians, and their small school age children, have these imbedded, inborn, innate, intrinsic, indwelling “Infinite Intelligence”; immutable immaculate imagination. Optimally of the Ultimate Ultra-Universal Unifications. 

MASTER1 Mind Melanin Messiah Media. Seeing how history; Holistory Health Heritage,  has held these truest talents, internally inside individuals, persons past and present periods; for over tens of thousands timetables. Genesis Genius Genetic gifts of grace! 

Older oncoming information, integrating inside incoming information that’s newer. Formulating flashing, flaming, flowing, forthcoming faith. Foundational fixtures, forthright funded financed future fortunes = $$$.

COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts; rightly reveals: Old-school songs, are outdated, bygones days that didn‘t have our advancing computer technologies, to True-Up talents. Thus to excel experiences, execute existing energy entities, exercise economies, ecologies = EcoEnergystics = 100%+$$$. Main Web site:


SOLARSUN COLOR KINGDOM TEES: Shows young girl female model, front + back sides, with T-shirt designs:

YES Yawls Now Know: There are no “illegitimate” kids - babies - children. Nor are any of them “bastards”! Butt, there are bastardizing blackout bitchcrafts, who’re cunningly crafting criminalizing conscious conditions. Calling children out of their true names and innate-intrinsic identities. Personalized parental produced problems! 

Pt1-session 1a

YES: Z-BlackRayz + z-Blac-Keys: are invisible involvements. Encompasses every existence, each element; energies, entities. Equals = executing exercising. Extraterrestrial ecologies + economies = EcoEnergystics. They travel through timetables terrestrially, transcending space and manifested material matter.

Name: Z-BLACKRAYZ Phantom Physics OriginatOrgOne1URL:

Constituting cosmic CyberSpaceAge actualizations. Having no beginning nor any ending. Essential elements of the Center Carbon Core Creation Cradle. And when compressed, condensed, consolidated, Z-BlackRayz appears to look boldly black, casting an optical illusion, and psychologically perceived delusion of the mind. Howsoever, this means, that they are not necessarily opaque; butt, are transparent thus translucent. Pt1-session 1a MP3:

YES: Z-BlackRayz + z-Blac-Keys: are invisible involvements. Encompasses every existence, each element; energies, entities. Equals = executing exercising. Extraterrestrial ecologies + economies = EcoEnergystics. They travel through timetables terrestrially, transcending space and manifested material matter.

Constituting cosmic CyberSpaceAge actualizations. Having no beginning nor any ending. Essential elements of the Center Carbon Core Creation Cradle. And when compressed, condensed, consolidated, Z-BlackRayz appears to look boldly black, casting an optical illusion, and psychologically perceived delusion of the mind. Howsoever, this means, that they are not necessarily opaque; butt, are transparent thus translucent.

Surely y’all have heard of what scientists say are microwaves, wavelengths; inclusively, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays. Also commonly called columns of light as from sunbeams-beacons, sunshine, sunlight, starlight.

The Electromagnetic Field ColorComPlexTrix, results from radiation rays emanating, emitting from SOLAR SUNGODD.

The primary principal perspectives, optical view point of real-live vision of the seeing eyes of living creatures, animals, and human bodily biological-beings. Yet Z-BlackRays very essence, permeates, penetrates and transcends all atoms, atomic activities as Arthiest Actionaries.

THE TALENTRIX TEACHING TOOLS - TECHNIQUES: Artfully as one looks up and out into the darkest night heavenly skies, the vast ocean seas of blackness, then, these are Z-BlackRays. And SUNGODD’S solarized energy entities, Eco-Energystics, Equals: Love Life Light Locks . 

THE TECHNOTRONICS - TAUGHT TECHNOLOGIES: Truthfully teach technologies to tender toddlers. Creating conscious cognizance; in children, early on in their childhood lives. Starting with wheels of color complexions, completely coordinated and correctly composed. 

NOW KNOW: How that a number of We’s & Us’s, and African Americans, are calling themselves; “Blacks” of a “Black Race” and or "White Race"! Which are terroristic threat terms taken form the old-school state of plantation prison politics. Having no healthy human help or humane healing. And was conjured up, concocted by criminal CauCrazians vs. Caucasians = clean cultured Caucasoidians vs. unclean uncultured citizens. So let us understand these differences in development, and judging peple by the contextuaal contents of their trest character, and not simply just by the cosmetic complexion colorations of their superficial surface skin!

Hand me down, passed on from generation to degenerations of offspring, kids. Consciously corrupting and conceptually criminalizing children of cosmetic coloration complexions. Due to the tissue tormenting - torturing terrorists, teaching these treacheries. Intentionally taking the truest values out of the bio-bodily based black. Superficial skin solarizations!

Nevertheless, I have happily replaced, restored, refreshed, reinstated, reinstalled, the Rare Rich Royalties + Righteous Resources. Reverberating - resounding resonance + realized radiances of The BlackRays. 

RAYZ vs. Race: Trump card color codes; courageously catcing, caging corrupted contrivances, conspiracies. Seeing since they; the Sociopath Supremacy Superiority Satanists, have raped and robbed and raided royal richness, while denigrating - degrading - devaluing - demoting; the color black, as if it pertains to people’s pigmentation. I’ve correctly counter combated CauCrazians competitively. Co-Created compelling circumstances, causing concurring climatic charged changes. Composing center carbon core creation cradle, ColorComPlexTrix.

"Hypernyms ("ray" is a kind of...): ligt; visible light; visible light; visible radiation ((physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation). Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "ray"): low beam (the beam of a car's headlights that provides illumination for a short distance). Laser beam (a beam of light generated by a laser); sunbeam; sunray (a ray of sunlight); moon ray; moon-ray; moonbeam (a ray of moonlight), high beam (a ray of sunlight); (the beam of a car's headlights that provides distant illumination) heat ray (a ray that produces a thermal effect)Surely y’all have heard of what scientists say are microwaves, wavelengths; inclusively, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays. Also commonly called columns of light as from sunbeams-beacons, sunshine, sunlight, starlight."

OK YAWLS: Here’s the real dual deal. Z-BlackRayz Radio as Arthiest Actionary Africarambees Africadio. Yes, I’ve doubled up, and combined communication connections. Our optimized originations organic operations. Divine Defenses + Protective Offenses, for our offspring, on coming genesis generations of gifted geniuses, talented kids, children having intact, their bright brilliant brains!

Ya see, with crystal clear clarity, that nobody and no one is going anywhere, in a fast forwards + upwards direction. Everything is at a stand still, steady state. Namely naughty nasty nose negative neutralized, by CK-NWCA’S Native-Natural-National Neutron!

COLOR KINGDOM New World Creative Arts + ColorComPlexTrix - Christrix Soultrix Spiritrix Maatrix + Africarambee Africadio = Z-BlackRayz 21Century CyberSpaceAge Cosmic CREATOR'S Channel Communications Computer Cyber-Jazz-Blues-RapP 2014.



CK-NWCA: is the place online officially offering other options, to our oncoming offspring-progeny + prodigy. They are making their own decisions concerning how they desire how their New World Creative Arts are arranged and adding affluence =$$$.


Parents, mothers and fathers, grownups - adults are only acting as occasional coaches, councilors; as opposed to authoritarians, dictators of delinquent democracy!

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